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Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Do not EVER drink Delirium.  EVER.
Now, most of you would figure out from the word "delirium" that you should not drink it.  Me?  Nope.  Sometimes I make bad decisions when emotional.  And this was one of those times!
I had a really bad and super stressful day at the hospital with my dad this past Friday so I decided to take a little break for happy hour.  Oops.  I think I might have looked like this guy below...
It was not pretty when I got back to the hospital at 12:30am to sleep in my dad's room.  Thankfully, the nurses felt sorry for me and didn't laugh.
I mean, look what I just found when I googled it...
"Delirium tremens is Latin for "trembling madness", commonly nicknamed "the DTs", indicating a violent sickness induced by withdrawal after alcohol abuse. Although it is commonly thought that sufferers hallucinate pink elephants, which may explain its use on the beer's label, the most common animals seen in delirium tremens hallucinations are cats, dogs, and snakes."
AWFUL.  Anyhoo...stay away from this beer unless you want to HIT the floor!

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