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Thursday, September 16, 2010


Leslie and Allison who came and met me at Yo Burrito the other night at a moment's notice to give me some peace of mind and a much needed break.  A yummy mason jar of margarita, cheese dip and tacos.  Perfect.  And the good news that sweet Leslie is pregnant, it's just what I needed to hear.  So excited for her and can't wait to meet "Little Burr" in the Spring.
All my friends that have sent flowers to dad, made dinner for us, sent text messages, emails and voicemails checking in and sending love and taken care of my animals while I have practically "lived" in the hospital with dad.  You mean the world to me and I truly do feel the positive energy headed this way.
My bloggy peeps.  You are all the best.  I really appreciate all the caring comments you have left for me.  And Summer, sweet Summer.  She is going through so much in her own life right now but has somehow found the time to email me and offer her support.  Summer and Kristen both posted about my dad and said the sweetest things, click above to see how sweet these girls are and why their comments about dad brought me to tears.  Kristen and Summer are both women with the most perfect words.  It amazes me.
My team at work, you are wonderful.  I appreciate all your help since I know I haven't been pulling my weight lately.  And to my manager that even after turning in my notice, has been nothing but supportive and understanding of me needing to spend time with my dad.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
The nurses on the 9th floor at MUSC.  You are angels and have been so good to my dad and to me.  I actually feel at home there, though I'm not sure that's a good sign.  ;)  My dad's oncologist.  He's smart and he cares.  And he demanded that I go home and get some rest, which is what I needed to hear.  Thank you for that.
My new team at Charleston Animal Society. You just rock and I can't wait to officially start!


  1. I loved this post of yours - how wonderful. best wishes !

  2. look at all the new friends you will make soon enough. I wish I could adopt them all.

    no thanks necessary, love. you are a friend and friends are there for you!

    your taco/rita adventure sounds freaking awesome.

    always praying for pops.

  3. Goodness, my prayers are with your father. You are such a good daughter, I can tell, to have your heart fully there with him.

  4. sounds like you've got yourself a good group of friends.

    and now i'm singing with a little help from my friends.

  5. love YOU Collins! I'm sad I missed Yo night but I want to make it up to you. Let me know what you need and I'll be there! oxox

  6. YOU would do the same for any of us!! Your strength, ability to smile and laugh through the frustration and pain, and loyalty to your dad is amazing to witness. I pray for answers and am always here when you need to get away. Love You!
    PS - Baby C will be very excited to meet you in the spring! :)

  7. collins, i am soooo sorry to hear about your dad. i talked to brantley the other day and she filled me in. sending many prayers your way.

  8. Such a beautiful post... I've been amazed at the friends I have made by blogging... it is an amazing network of supportive people and I am so grateful for it :)

  9. A very appreciative post.

    I am sorry to hear about your dad.

    Ohhh... that little pup in the bottom right corner is a cutie!


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