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Monday, July 18, 2011

cat mint snack attack with mr. chance

Mr. Chance greets me on the porch every evening when I get home from work, so that he can have a little twig of this Cat Mint.  He kinda likes it.  And I kinda like finally getting to know my camera so here goes.  Enjoy!
I heart Mr. Chance in case you didn't notice!
 I also heart Maddie Moo but she's obviously terrified of the camera.  Weirdo.


  1. Mr. Chance is sooooo cute! What a handsome little feline he is : ) He loves some mint doesn't he? Aww, maybe Maddie Moo will eventually warm up to the camera? Maybe if he gets treats when the camera is out? I would enjoy getting my picture taken more if I got treats. :p Love the photos!

  2. I love your post today with Mr. Chance and Maddie Moo. Well done. Mr. Chance reminds me of a lovely cat I once had named, Something. I was a teenager trying to be clever with his name, maybe a touch too far off track, but it stuck and I hearted him so much.

  3. Oh my goodness Mr.Chance is such a cutie pie! And my cats go crazyyyy for catnip, I kinda don't like to give it to them, because they run all around and jump on stuff.. act like crazy ass cats!

    You camera takes such great pictures, super clear!

  4. awwww your cat is soo soo sweet! He reminds me of the cat that I grew up with! Her name was turtle! haha, yep, a cat named turtle ;)

    Notes She Wrote

  5. Such a happy kitteh! Great pics!

  6. he is so cute and your cat mint is so full and lush! i should totally plant some for my kitties.


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